Child Safety & Protection

Child Safety & Protection

According to the Probation and Social Welfare Officer’s (PSWO) report and police in Mpigi district, on average 68 defilement cases are registered quarterly. These figures represent just a small proportion of the actual number of cases as the majority of cases are either not reported or reported to LCs where they are not properly documented or followed.

This has resulted into high school dropout, early pregnancies, exposure to HIV and AIDS and child-headed families who are not able to provide the basic needs for themselves. Violence against children is not inevitable but rather preventable because every child has the right to be protected from violence and live free from fear, neglect, abuse and exploitation.

Kaleke Kasome Foundation embraces child protection and safety to reduce the high rates of violence against children through its structures to create a safe and enabling environment for all children in the communities.


To promote child care, protection and safety within communities.

What We Do Under Child Protection:


Victims of sexual abuse are exposed to high risk of STDs, pregnancy and Hiv/Aids of which preventative treatment is usually at a cost that majority of Ugandans living below the poverty line cannot afford thus putting survivors in more danger.

Your donations ensure that each victim receives a rape exam and the subsequent treatment needed [ PREP ].


In order to reach our target beneficiaries to provide a prevention path way, we focus on school out reaches and community out reaches. This strategy avails relevant and age appropriate information to address issues of sexual violence especially defilement by also encouraging behavioral change practices through different team building activities.

To fulfill this information gap, your donations will help support the young girls and boys, in and out of school become empowered with preventive information about sexual violence.


According to the Uganda Violence Against Children Survey (VACS) 2015 indicates 25.4% of girls among 13-17 year olds experienced sexual abuse.

Consequently a higher prevalence of contemplation of suicide among survivors is reported due to depression, stigma and trauma.

As part of our direct support, we focus on giving psychosocial support to survivors as a coping mechanism that instills in children the confidence to resist and also speak up regarding experiences of sexual violence acts.

A call for your donation will provide hope towards survivors through seeking for professional and technical man power to offer counseling services to survivors.

Justice [Referral path way].

Addressing the illegalities around sexual violence against children, it should be noted that there is a challenge faced by survivors of defilement while accessing justice which calls for collaboration measures.

Referal pathways have been established to help the victims go through the justice system with ease through our office.

A call for your donation will help in the promotion and protection of the survivor’s human rights through accessing justice by providing the necessary resources and facilitation to professional advocates



Action taken

What KAKA does under Child Rights.


Carry out Child Rights Awareness Campaigns within and out of schools for children, teachers, parents and caretakers

Collaborating with authorities through reporting and following up SGBV cases of child abuse.

Provision of Psychosocial support to survivors of SGBV through counselling

Carrying out Dialogue and consultative meetings with key stakeholders to strengthen referral pathways of SGBV against children.

Please you can call for more details

You can support KAKA in anyway that is ok with you !